17.04.19 Education Science Julia König
"Purely innocent" and highly dangerous: The child as a focal point of (sexual) politics
With an almost uncanny regularity, the child appears as a reference in the discourses of the politically dissatisfied. Julia König discusses the social function of this phenomenon with regard to recent debates on sexual politics, thereby focusing on the socio-psychological dynamics possibly hidden behind the façade of the protection of "the child’s best interest".
24.04.19 Communication Science Yossi David
New media, new challenges: The changing role of the media in the Ultra-Orthodox community in Israel
Over the past decade, digital media have played a significant role in protecting and constructing power relations and social structures and have posed new challenges for conservative closed communities. Yossi David discusses the new challenges that digital media bring into the boundaries of the ultra-Orthodox community in Israel and its existing power structures.
08.05.19 Sports Science Maike Weitzmann
Does hosting the Olympics pay off? Cost and revenue overruns of Olympic Games
Cost overruns are a common term when it comes to bidding for Olympic Games and recent referendums for hosting Olympic Games get lost because of the rising costs of hosting them. Maike Weitzmann discusses the questions how and why cost and revenue of Olympic Games evolve.
Learn more about Maike Weitzmann
15.05.19 Psychology Alena Kröhler
Taking action or thinking about it? The influence of dysfunctional thoughts on athletic performance
Why can some athletes cope effectively with stressful situations and achieve their peak performance and others not? A poor performance is often justified with the statement "I was not clear in my head" but so far, there is no clear empirical evidence for this relationship. Alena Kröhler provides an overview of the topic based on various explanatory approaches from sub-disciplines of psychology.
Learn more about Alena Kröhler
22.05.19 Education Science Constantin Wagner & Zubair Ahmad
Islamophobia? German perceptions of Islam
The lecture adresses the question how German discourses about Islam work and where they can historically be rooted.
Learn more about Constantin Wagner and Zubair Ahmad
29.05.19 no lecture
05.06.19 Communication Science Ilka Jakobs
Mistrust in mainstream news media: Differentiating desirable and undesirable forms of media criticism
Trust in media is detrimental in democratic societies: Citizens have to trust the media to be able to make information-based political and electoral decisions. However, a blind and completely unreflected trust in media is not desirable either. The presentation differentiates between desirable and undesirable forms of media criticism and links these concepts to media trust.
12.06.19 Sports Science Alisa Berger
Walk again! How robotic systems support patients after brain injury
Motor learning after brain injury can be improved by robotic-assisted gait training. What are the advantages and which challenges do we have to reckon with? Alisa Berger gives an overview of recent advances in robotic gait rehabilitation and discusses opportunities, challenges as well as future approaches for gait rehabilitation.
19.06.19 Psychology Anne-Kathrin Bräscher
Beware of electromagnetic fields!? - Nocebo effect by adverse television report and sham WiFi
The talk will give insight on the question whether electromagnetic radiation (e.g. by WiFi routers) indeed threatens our health or whether it's all in our minds...
Learn more about Anne-Kathrin Bräscher
26.06.19 Political Science Anna Krekeler
Change by design - not by disaster: Educating for a sustainable future?
In times of progressing climate change, education for sustainable development aims to provide students with the competencies to participate in creating a sustainable future. However, addressing these complex issues in class is demanding for teachers. In her qualitative study, Anna Krekeler focuses on teacher’s concepts of sustainability and education for sustainable development and discusses the challenges of education for sustainable development in school.
Learn more about Anna Krekeler
03.07.19 Sociology Sascha Dickel
Bot or not? On (post-)human identity politics
Chatbots, social bots, virtual assistants – we are increasingly surrounded by artificial agents who aim to communicate with us. But how do we identify others as humans or machines? And why do we even need to draw this distinction? Sascha Dickel investigates questions like these from a sociological point of view.
Learn more about Sascha Dickel
10.07.19 Political Science Florian Koch
Becoming European through football? The identity effect of Europeanised lifeworlds.
Becoming European through football? The lecture presents preliminary findings of a research project which explores the importance of everyday activities like football fandom and spectatorship for the formation of a European identity.
The LOB project is funded by the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF, funding code 01PL17055). Responsibility for content lies with the authors/editors of the website.