18.4.2018 Psychology Felicitas Flade
The path to the dark side? The relationship between conspiracy beliefs, emotions and prejudice after terrorist attacks
Terrorist attacks have become an influential determinant of life in present-day Europe. But what are people's immediate reactions to these attacks? Felicitas Flade pays special attention to the role of conspiracy beliefs in these reactions.
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25.4.2018 Educational Science Christian Toth
MOOCs – The future or just another dream of digital learning?
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) create digital spaces in which academic learning is made possible for (almost) everyone. Christian Toth discusses who these digital students are and what motivations they have. He also tries to give perspective on whether MOOCs can be regarded as the future of digital learning, or just another short lived dream of endless possibilities.
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2.5.2018 Political Science Nils Steiner
Economically left, culturally right – How left-authoritarian policy preferences influence political satisfaction and voting behavior
Many citizens have policy preferences that combine economically left-wing (e.g. favoring economic redistribution) with culturally right-wing or authoritarian (e.g. against multiculturalism) positions – yet there are often no parties with this combination of policy positions. Nils Steiner studies how this representation gap affects left-authoritarians’ voting behavior and satisfaction with politics.
9.5.2018 Communication Science Christine Meltzer and Nora Theorin
Freedom of movement under attack? The drivers of public opinion on EU mobility and migration.
Freedom of movement, one of the most fundamental principles of the EU, is increasingly questioned across European countries. Christine Meltzer and Nora Theorin discuss how people in the EU think about it and how this perception is linked to anti-immigrant attitudes and media use.
Learn more about Christine Meltzer and Nora Theorin
16.5.2018 Sports Science Tim Bindel
Player, worker, body lover – Adolescent definitions of "sport"
What ist the meaning of “sport”? Not so easy to say, especially when focused on youth and young adults. In his research project Tim Bindel is looking for answers with the means of ethnographic strategies.
23.5.2018 Psychology Miriam Arnold and Arian Kunzelmann
How not to burn out – Resilience & mental health at the workplace
How can we maintain our mental health at the workplace, while experiencing adverse conditions like time pressure and role ambiguity? Resilience, also known as psychological resistance, helps us cope with difficult situations in daily working life. Miriam Arnold and Arian Kunzelmann discuss some empirical research about the construct of resilience and its meaning for employees.
Learn more about Miriam Arnold and Arian Kunzelmann
30.5.2018 Sports Science Fabian Steinberg
Human performance in extreme environments: from weightlessness to water immersion
Human’s aspiration to explore outer space or underwater environments requires the organism to deal with multiple stressors, all of which can significantly impact performance, safety and mission success. Based on his own research in weightlessness and underwater, Fabian Steinberg gives an overview about current opportunities and challenges of space explorations and will specifically talk about the role of motor and cognitive abilities in exceptional environmental circumstances.
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6.6.2018 Communication Science Adrian Meier
How to become a pro in procrastination: predictors and consequences of procrastinating with media
Avoiding unnecessary procrastination is one of the biggest challenges for many students, especially in media-saturated learning environments. By highlighting recent studies from communication science and media psychology, Adrian Meier discusses what drives individuals to procrastinate with media, how this behavior affects human well-being, and what students can do about it.
13.6.2018 Political Science Friedrich Plank
Money for nothing or peace for free? Evaluating the Africa-EU
partnership on peace and security
The relations between Africa and the EU have been intensified in response to migration flows, transregional security challenges and economic interdependencies. Friedrich Plank evaluates Africa-EU relations in peace and security by focusing on specific operations and interventions conducted by the partners and discusses factors that might increase effective interregional conflict management.
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20.6.2018 Sociology Felix Wolter
Studying sex, drugs, and rock'n'roll – Sensitive questions in survey-interviews
Many surveys contain sensitive questions, for example on self-reported delinquency, substance abuse, or sexual issues. Asking such questions in standard survey settings entails several challenges such as nonresponse or misreporting by the respondents. Felix Wolter gives an overview about these issues, possible remedies such as special questioning techniques, and empirical evidence on their performance.
27.6.2018 Educational Science Laura Fuhrmann
Exposed in class – how pupils deal with homework that relates to their private life
It is risky to give away personal details in lessons as these are presented openly to the class and in consequence are also exposed to teachers and pupils' comments. Which strategies do teachers and pupils develop when homework explicitly demands that references to everyday living are made? On the basis of ethnographic field reports Laura Fuhrmann reconstructs distinct types of dealing with the posed requirements.
Learn more about Laura Fuhrmann
4.7.2018 Sociology Annekathrin Stange
Researching abortion beyond the idea of "right" and "wrong". An attempt.
Annekathrin Stange uses a cultural analytical approach to research the social phenomena "abortion". On recent history, current laws and parsley.
Learn more about Annekathrin Stange